Evangelische Akademie Thüringen

Veranstaltungen aktuell

Foto: ©EAT
Foto: ©EAT

07. August 2018, 19.30 Uhr

Reithaus im Park an der Ilm Weimar

Transforming Economics - Transforming Society


Welcome to a public lecture by Dr. Maja Göpel - part of the evening program of this year's Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, resource scarcities and rising inequality - we are confronted with daunting challenges. In order to overcome the multiple crises of our time and enter a truly sustainable trajectory, a fundamental transformation of our societies is required.

This also entails challenging the core elements of our current economic paradigm: How do we think about human wellbeing, economic prosperity and healthy ecosystems? Combining system transformation research with political economy and change leadership insights, Maja Göpel will illustrate the need for a great mindshift and discuss radical incremental strategies for system transformation.

The lecture will be held in English, entrance is free!

Veranstaltungs-Nr. 082-2018

